It is Thanksgiving Yoga 8 Essential Poses – it helps to balance body and mind and to ease digestion, relaxation and gratitude. The essential poses of these poses include Child’s Pose (Balasana), for grounding, Cat-Cow Pose (Marjaryasana-Bitilasana) to awaken the spine, and Downward Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana) to release tension. This is a great way to build strength and conquer focus while Seated Forward Fold (Paschimottanasanas) is a nice stretch, especially for the hamstrings. Both Bridge Pose (Setu Bandhasana) and Legs Up the Wall (Viparita Karani) open the chest, hips and calm the body. Warrior II (Virabhadrasana II) builds strength and stamina, while Tree Pose (Vrksasana) improves balance, focus, and grounding. Thanksgiving Yoga 8 Essential Poses

1. Child Pose Yoga - Balasana

Restorative yoga posture, Balasana or Child's Pose stretches the back, hips and thigh. The big toes touching…. kneel on the mat and knees pulled wide. Put your arms out forward or by your side and lower your torso down toward the floor. Then allow your forehead to softly lay on the mat. This one helps you relax deep, it can help relieve tension in your lower back, and it’s also about mindfulness. Often used as a rest pose in a yoga sequence, and it’s a powerful way to reduce stress, calm the nervous system, and increase flexibility. 10 Emojis for Thanksgiving
2. Cat-Cow Pose - Marjaryasana-Bitilasana

Cat Cow Pose (Marjaryasana Bitalasana) is a gentle and flowing sequence to warm the spine releasing tightness and increase flexibility. Start in quadruped position with wrists under your shoulders, and knees under your hips. Arching your back, lift your chest and tailbone toward the sky (Cow Pose), providing a slight curve in your spine and inhale. In Cat Pose, on the exhale, round your spine drawing your chin towards your chest and tucking your tailbone. By helping to release tension in the back and neck as well as enhance spinal mobility, this movement will help to put better posture. Breath improves the flexibility of the body and it’s a nice way to connect breath with movement.
3. Downward Dog - Adho Mukha Svanasana

Downward Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana) might lend its name to a very popular studio yoga class, but the pose itself is a foundational yoga pose that strengthens and stretches the entire body. Come down onto your hands and knees, with wrists right under your shoulders and knees below your hips. Put your toes tucked and hips up with a V at the ceiling. You want your hands to be firmly grounded with fingers spread wide, your feet hip width apart. Pull your heels toward the floor as your hamstrings and calves stretch, using your arms to really engage your core. This is a long stretch of the spine, strengthens the hands and feet, and stimulates the flow, delivering energy and ease.
4. Seated Forward Fold - Paschimottanasana

Calming and deep stretching pose to stretch the hamstrings, lower back, and spine is Seated Forward Fold (Paschimottanasana). Sit with your legs out straight in front of you and your feet flexed and hip width apart. Lengthen your spine by inhaling, then hinge at the hips by exhaling and reach your torso toward your thighs. Let your spine be long, bend forward slightly, so that you can come closer by folding to your legs. Holding your feet or shins is preferable if possible, although do not strain. This stretch is super helpful in relaxing and calming the nervous system and easing stress and tension, and is also quite flexible.
5. Both Bridge Pose - Setu Bandhasana

I’m a fan of coming into Bridge Pose (Setu Bandhasana), a gentle backbend that works the glutes, lower back, and legs, while opening the chest and hips. Start with your back lying down, bend your legs, place your feet on the floor flat, hip width apart. Place both feet on the mat and, on an inhale, lift your hips to the ceiling, forming a straight line along your shoulders and up to your knees. Place your palms down on your sides with your arms and bring your forearms together. Both raise your knees to about hip height, and engage opposing core and glute muscles to lift higher; neck is relaxed. Our arms and shoulders slowly become more relaxed and toned as Bridge Pose stretches the front of the body, improves posture and relieves tension. 12 Delicious Thanksgiving Vegetable Recipes
6. Legs Up the Wall - Viparita Karani

According to Megan Turich at SuperYo and author of Super Healing Yoga, one yoga pose ‘Legs Up The Wall’ helps calm the nervous system, reduces stress and promotes relaxation. Practice by sitting beside a wall and place your legs up against the wall, keeping your feet flexed and legs straight. The torso should remain on the floor, simply rolling into supine, and the arms can rest at the sides, palms up, with arms extended to overhead. Breathe deeply, relax your neck and your jaw. Standing like this gently stretches the hamstrings and relieves tension in the lower back, helping to promote blood circulation and is a good pose to end a long day.
7. Warrior II - Virabhadrasana II

A standing pose that is powerful in both building strength, stability and focus – Warrior II (Virabhadrasana II). Stand with your feet wide apart and turn your right foot out, bend your right knee to 90 degrees and make sure your knee and ankle line up. Palm your hands down on (almost) the floor, and look over your right hand. You have to keep your shoulders relaxed and engaged your core for stability. Warrior II is a great posture for focusing on the legs, working on opening the hips and chest, strengthening the legs, developing endurance and concentration. As an added bonus, this pose feels empowering; it adds to inner strength and confidence. 12 Nutritious Salads for Thanksgiving
8. Tree Pose - Vrksasana

Vrksasana or Tree Pose is known to strengthen your focus, stability, and ground you. Stand tall and feet hip width apart. Place your soles together until you can rest (avoid the knee) the sole of your opposite foot onto the inner thigh, calf, or ankle of the standing leg while shifting your weight onto this leg. Fold your palms together in a prayer position in front of your chest or hold your arms up, away from your shoulders. To help maintain balance focus on a single point in front of you. Tree Pose strengthens the legs, improves concentration, calms, and anchors.
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